Personalized Empowerment Astrology Interpretation
This is combination of a recorded video interpretation and private consult time with Samantha Vilppu, Empowerment AstrologyTM Founder.
Initial call:
We'll first have an initial conversation, apx 30 minutes long, so that I can gauge the level of astrology lingo I can use in my interpretation as well as clarify if there are particular components of the chart that I need to be looking at.
I will take the time to really dial in on your chart to get a deep understanding of the issues you’ve asked about and then I’ll record the interpretation via screen capture and send that to you. This is presented in a video or series of videos. I will also include a PDF of your the charts used. It may take up to a week or two to get all of your videos sent to you.
If this is a natal chart reading only:
In this interpretation, I will provide you information and education around the following pieces of your chart, including their meanings and level of importance:
- Ascendant/Descendant/Midheaven/IC
- Planetary positions, by sign and house
- Nodal axis, by sign and house
- Planetary aspects, aspect patterns & overall chart pattern
- The themes that are emphasized or are repeatedly shown in the chart, which may include: mother-father dynamics, self-other dynamics, mental-emotional stability, and others
If this reading is for current life circumstances: I will evaluate your natal chart and the transit and progressed charts to determine which energies are affecting you most at the present time, with an eye toward the communication the chart reveals from your higher self regarding personal growth opportunities and challenges you may be experiencing. The content in the video(s) will detail out these findings, but may not include as much detail about the natal chart as that reading (described above) would include.
Follow up call:
After you have received your chart analysis, we'll schedule a 30 minute followup call to clarify anything and answer any questions you may have. This call needs to be scheduled for within 2 weeks of delivery of the interpretation.
Going deeper:
As this reading is primarily informational, it does not offer us enough time to get into coaching, however this is a service I can offer as a follow up. As I do limit 1:1 access to work with me, my coaching slots may often fill up before I’ve had an opportunity to announce an opening. Feel free to inquire to find out if I have any coaching slots available or coming available soon. My current rates for coaching are $10,000 for 3 months, or, if we determine that your situation could possibly be handled in a one-month container, that would be $4,000.
I’m sincerely looking forward to working with you through supporting and holding witness to your growth,
Samantha Vilppu
P.S. Look for scheduling information to be sent to you after you have signed up.